Frequently Asked Questions

  • What makes GarbiGlobe different?

    GarbiGlobe only has one focus: 

    Improving the environment!


    1) Net Carbon Sequestration in any form possible

    2) Restore Biodiversity

    3) Improve Soil Resilience

    4) Enhance Water Retention in the soil and Reduce Water Waste

    5) Help farmers transition to sustainable agriculture

    6) Empower general public to take positive action and have a say with real consequences

  • Who can participate in GarbiGlobe?


  • Why does GarbiGlobe not claim to be offsetting or to be carbon neutral?

    Defining carbon neutrality and the level of offsetting is very difficult, if not impossible, due to the wide range of factors contributing to the type of pollution any action causes. 

    GarbiGlobe, does not believe simple tables and emission guides are reliable. 

    We, at GarbiGlobe, believe we need to put the CO2 back into the ground, not only the amount we are emitting, but also that of our parents and grandparents. 

    To help nature reestablish an equilibrium, we all need to help reduce the total amount of carbon in the atmosphere, increase biodivesity, incresase soil resilience and protect water resources.  

    Farmers are on the frontline of this battle daily.

    We need to help them help us. 

  • Whom is GarbiGlobe reaching out to?


    GarbiGlobe believes everyone has a stake in this planet and everyone should have the opportunity to participate. 

    We may find other worlds in the future, but if we can’t take care of this one, we will only mess up the next!

  • What is the Artvironmental movement?

    GarbiGlobe works with like-minded artists who believe in improving the environment, making agriculture and industry more sustainable. 

    We have the responsibility, let’s make it fun.

  • What can you do with the image you select?

    1) The image you are getting by the artist is to thank you for your interest and concern about the environment.


    2) You can find information about the artists providing the images in our website and contact them directly


    3)  You can use the image for private purposes but not for commercial uses.


    4) Non-commercial means something is not intended for, or directed towards, commercial advantage or monetary compensation by an individual or organisation.


    5) Non-commercial use encompasses a wide range of exciting possibilities—including artistic, educational, scholarly, and personal projects that will not be marketed, promoted, or sold.


    6) You can also use the image as a screensaver, wallpaper, have it printed on a t-shirt or sticker you will use, but is not for use by or sale to others outside your immediate family.


    7) You can project it onto a wall in your house and reproduce it there by painting it onto that wall, but not somebody else’s wall.  


    8) Please remember always to make sure you show that the picture came from GarbiGlobe and do not change its look or style. 


    9) GarbiGlobe is working to bring a secondary market for the cArt where you will be able to sell or exchange it.  But please give us a little bit of time, this is our first baby step.

  • How does GarbiGlobe help customers?

    GarbiGlobe enables customers to benefit from two key products: 

    1) Tasty and good quality food

    2) Fresh air, by sequestering carbon in their soil 

    In addition to which, with regenerative agriculture, we all benefit from a healthy planet which will help restore biodiversity, increase soil resilience and reduce water shortages in the future....

    ...another freebie!     

  • Why does GarbiGlobe value carbon credits so much more than the currently established markets?

    There are a number of reasons why GarbiGlobe believes that the current price for carbon credits is inadequate:

    1) Carbon credit markets were created following the "Polluter Pays" principle.  But how much do they pay?  GarbiGlobe believes the pricing of carbon credits in the markets is not sufficiently transparent and  is kept artificially low.

    2) GarbiGlobe believes that those who suffer the consequences (negative externalities) of pollution should have a say in what they consider to be a fair price in a free market.

    3) The cost of sequestering carbon is significantly higher than the price for carbon certificates would suggest. Both the cost to farmers (in nature based solutions) and industrial sequestering technologies are significantly more expensive. 

    3) The pricing of fossil and nuclear fuels is not correct, it does not take all costs of their negative externalities into account i.e. environmental remediation after mining and oil spills; difficulty in re-establishing biodiversity (if at all possible); in the case of nuclear fuels, the cost of storing nuclear materials over many thousands of years, in addition to the carbon emitted by the concrete needed to build the power plants.  Among many other "unpriced" consequences...

    4) By increasing the price of carbon credits, carbon sequesters have an incentive to continue their regenerative practices, while carbon emitters and polluters will find it increasingly difficult to pass that cost to their own consumers or shareholders. GarbiGlobe hopes rising CO2 certificate prices will offer them the financial incentive to accelerate the transition to less polluting practices and become more sustainable.  No more greenwashing. Please!

  • How does GarbiGlobe work?

    GarbiGlobe works with artists to raise awareness of the real cost of carbon sequestration to the farmer and society. The current price of a carbon credit certificate does not reflect the cost of the damage caused by the emitted CO2. 

    Whenever you get  carbon from GarbiGlobe, it pays the farmer 80% of the cleared funds it receives from you. 

    In order to ensure that the carbon is not used for industrial or other offsetting schemes, but really stays in the ground, GarbiGlobe has chosen a legal structure which makes it impossible for the carbon to be used for greenwashing, offsetting or compensating. 

    In order to do this, you buy a service from GarbiGlobe by which you ask it to hold the carbon certificate, or share thereof, upon which the Fallow Carbon is based, and to keep it safe so it does not re-enter the carbon credit market.  As a result, you essentially rent the carbon from GarbiGlobe for a year a time. 

    After a year, the carbon is deleted from GarbiGlobe’s accounts and a record of its deletion is kept. 

    Next to the Artist’s picture, which comes for free with the carbon and you can keep permanently, you will receive a codified ticket with which you can always identify the carbon you have laid to rest and follow the farmer.

  • Does GarbiGlobe sell future Carbon Credits?

    No.  GarbiGlobe only uses annual carbon credits created by the carbon sequestration of the current  year, or previous years, thus avoiding double accounting and future risks of carbon sequestration that does not occur due to fire, floods or any other adverse events that had not been foreseen.

  • How can GarbiGlobe use Current Carbon Credits only?

    Carbon Credits are sold in carbon credit markets with very different durations. 

    GarbiGlobe only purchases the share of the certificates that refer to past carbon sequestration, which has already taken place according to the farmers it works with. 

    Selecting the right partners and auditing their assessment is part of the Fallow Carbon Service you are buying from GarbiGlobe. 

  • Why do we use Carbon Credit Certificates?

    We work with a variety of carbon credit certifiers, for a number of reasons;


    1) There is no single global carbon credit certifier available.


    2) The carbon certificates are not perfect, we are the first to agree, but we need to start somewhere and we must accept what other carbon markets accept. Our aim is to persuade farmers and certifiers to improve standards and monitoring methods over time. 


    3) Most current carbon certificates work with sophisticated forecast methods to estimate the sequestered carbon quantities.  There are more accurate technologies to monitor plant stress, water consumption and carbon sequestration, but these are not used currently because carbon credit prices are too low to make them financially viable.


    4) We plan, once we have our systems set up fully, to promote or invest our revenues in improved data based monitoring technologies.  


  • What is Fallow Carbon?

    Fallow carbon, is carbon put to rest, like a farmer fallows his/her field. Essentially, taking the carbon out of circulation.

    Carbon is part of a natural cycle, therefore, it cannot be guaranteed that it does not get back into the atmosphere again. However, GarbiGlobe aims to keep it sequestered as long as possible, but fires, droughts and storms may result in it being released again.

    GarbiGlobe, at the end of the 12 month period, deletes the carbon certificate the Fallow Carbon is based on and takes it out of circulation. 

  • Why does GarbiGlobe commit to Annual Fallow Carbon?

    GarbiGlobe, unlike others in the carbon credit markets, only offers annual carbon credits as forecasting floods, droughts. fires and storms is becoming more difficult with climate change. 

    We are using an annual crop cycle as our guideline, because for us each farmer is an individual, and each farm has a different crop cycle. 

    Therefore, one year at a time is prudent and fits most of our farmers capabilities.  

  • What is the Fallow Carbon Service?

    GarbiGlobe manages the accounting of the amount of Carbon Certificates it has bought versus the amount of Fallow Carbon made available for rental. 

    GarbiGlobe does not sell the carbon, it rents to its customers. This way the carbon cannot be sold-on, offset, used for compensation or transferred to any Greenwashing scheme.  

  • Failing Farmers

    When we find a farmer fails in his/her obligations, the farmer will be blacklisted until they remedie the cause for the blacklisting. 

    The Farmer's account will be blocked. 

  • What does GarbiGlobe mean?

    Garbi means clean in Basque.

    GarbiGlobe = Clean Globe!

    Let's help cleaning the planet.

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